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- No body is allowed to use Mobile Phones in the library; a fine of 5000/= will be charged to the offender.
- Silence is Golden, therefore, it should be respected while in the library.
- Every student should receive five (5) Library Borrowing Cards which are used during the borrowing of books. The same Cards should be used until the end of one’s Course.
- Library users should borrow books only by using Library Borrowing Cards. (ONE CARD FOR ONE BOOK).
- No further loans will be extended to the borrower who has failed to clear the previous loans (overdue loans) in time.
- For students, Library cards are issued for two years (Diploma students) and three years (Degree & Post-graduate students). All the cards must be surrendered to the University Library authority before one is cleared at the end of one’s course.
- Library users should not shelve books, instead, leave them on the reading tables after use.
- The library is open to the public but at a FEE. Even then, borrowing of library materials is restricted to UniK members ONLY.
- The REFERENCE BOOKS (e.g. Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Year Books, World Books, Almanacs, etc), CD-ROMs, Periodicals, Newspapers, Dissertations and RESERVED BOOKS are not lent out. They are only used within the library.
- Keep the library clean by dropping all rubbish in the provided waste-paper baskets.
- No Library user should make connections / disconnections of the Computers without the permission of the Library authority.
- Bags and other bulky user property should be kept with the designated person at the library entrance.
- The Library authority is not accountable for personal property carelessly left in the library un-attended to
- The library user who damages or loses library property will be requested to replace it with a new one.
- Every student should return all library property before the closure of each Semester.