Equating and Validating Qualifications

Equating is the process of determining the equal value of foreign qualifications against recognized Ugandan qualifications such as UCE and UACE and to determine entry points (performance).

Validating is the process of ensuring that qualifications from other countries are recognized and have an equal value to their counterpart in the Ugandan educational framework. Combined, these important processes ensure that students being admitted into UniK have had their foreign qualifications scrutinized and that an equal value to Ugandan qualifications, as the basis of entry, has been made.

Equating should be authorized by the relevant equating body such as the Ugandan Examinations Board (UNEB) for the equating of pre‐tertiary level qualifications or the Ugandan National Council of Higher Education (UNCHE) for the equating of post‐secondary qualifications.

For the purposes of advising students on their study options based on foreign qualifications, this guide presents only directions and should not be used as the basis of interpretation of foreign qualifications that may be subject to internal changes and/or political factors. Any ambiguities should be referred to the Academic Registrar as the supreme Officer of Admissions.