
The Faculty of Education provides Degrees and Diplomas in both primary and secondary education for both Arts and Sciences. The faculty also takes care of diverse learners, by offering Inclusive Education with a focus on primary teachers. The faculty has two departments: Department of Sciences and Department of Arts.

The focus of the Faculty of education is holistic and interdisciplinary approach to educational curriculum, hinged on responsible academic freedom and learner-centered hands-on educational practices. The aim is to respond to the emerging needs of skilled workers for the local community and the nation at large. The Faculty of Education attaches great importance to the integral nature and development of the human person, who, empowered through holistic education, strives to achieve self- realization, and the improvement of the human condition through research and innovation.


To provide a Learning Environment for Competency based Education.


To Prepare competent and professionals who embrace creativity, problem solving, Critical thinking and Self Reliance skills for Social Transformation.


  • Creativity
  • Responsibility
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism
  • Teamwork

UniK Inter-disciplinary Courses

The University of Kisubi through the Interdisciplinary department offers a package of courses that are available across all undergraduate programmes. The essence of interdisciplinary courses is to have a graduate who is not only a professional in a specific line of study, but has other abilities and skills that makes one a complete being. We realized that many University graduates lack basic skills that would enable them undertake operational activities, and many employers have concluded that they are not well baked!

The University of Kisubi has responded to this by establishing an Interdisciplinary department that specifically offers the following programmes;



