The University council, the management and quality assurance office has define UniK Strategic direction in the Quality policy statement that is;

University of Kisubi in line with its vision of preparing individuals to become pragmatic professionals of integrity, capable of thinking critically and analytically is committed to propagating to all stakeholders the culture of providing excellent training, research, and consultancy services in accordance with the national, regional and international quality frameworks.  The university is continuously improving the quality management systems in line with the Brothers of Christian Instruction   principles of education in an area of rapidly changing needs and expectations of our clients. The University has the necessary resources to ensure that the quality management systems are implemented, monitored, periodically reviewed and improved.


Stakeholder satisfaction through continuous improvement.


To ensure the effective and efficient performance of UniK’s core activities and operations at all levels.


  • Develop and implement a curricular that shall instill human and Christian values.
  • Undertake research that addresses national regional as well as global challenges.
  • To carry out consultancy services that improves management and institutional policies, procedures and standards in society.
  • To implement community engagement programmes that improve standards of living.
  • Design scientific programs that improve environment and mother earth.
  • We promote quality culture by planning, checking and implementing Quality according to the following core values of Quality Assurance.

Core Values

  1. Reliability
  2. Competence
  3. Communication
  4. Responsiveness
  5. Accessible
  6. Courtesy

The University management, staff and students shall uphold the following management principles in their operations to achieve quality service:

  1. Customer focus to give quality customer experience and loyalty.
  2. Leadership: establish unity of purpose and engage people in achieving quality objectives, procedures.
  3. Engagement or Involvement of stakeholders in decision making
  4. Process approach: systematically identify and manage the process employed and as part of the entire University.
  5. Improvement; continual in response to internal and external environment.
  6. Evidence based Decision Making: based on analysis and evaluation of data and information likely to produce desired results.
  7. Relationship management: for development purposes develop and sustain interested parties needs and expectations.

Contact Information

Email: qa@unik.ac.ug
Tel:+256312 225 419 / +256778688456